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Introduction and Conference Goals

An International Conference for Research Universities in the Mediterranean Region

October 14-15, 2017, Northern Cyprus 

Organized by
The Mathematical Society, The Quality Society, EMINENCE Cy, Northern Cyprus & CSHE Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, CA, US

Hosted by
The Eastern Mediterranean University, EMU, Northern Cyprus

Introduction and Conference Goal

Universities are increasingly influential global actors, enrolling increased numbers of international students, developing new collaborations with other universities, establishing branch campuses, and often adopting English in professional and other degree programs.  They are also increasingly affected by the ebbs and flows of the global economy, the shifts in national politics, the ubiquitous presence of new communication technologies, fundamental changes in the markets for students, faculty and graduates, and by a complex process of policy transfer and seeking best practices. Most national higher education systems are both growing rapidly and coming to terms with a significantly more competitive global environment.

A two-day conference will explore the international engagement activities and strategies of universities in Cyprus, Turkey and more generally in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Organization of the conference will be coordinated with the Research Universities Going Global (RUGG) Project based at the Center for Studies in Higher Education - UC Berkeley which will also provide international comparative analysis and expertise. The RUGG project has generated a "Taxonomy of Modes of International Engagement of Universities" that will facilitate discussion and analysis at the conference.

The conference will also provide an opportunity to provide a comparative role of international engagement in the larger mission, policies and practices of universities in Cyprus, Turkey, the Mediterranean, and with U.S, and other major research universities in Europe and elsewhere.

Among the questions we plan to explore at the conference:

  • In what are the market difference and ways that universities are pursuing international engagement and for what purpose?
  • What strategies are universities in Cyprus, Turkey, Mediterranean, and in U.S. and Europe pursuing and what is their sustainability?
  • How can college or university leaders approach the question of international engagement and what are the three most productive actions they can take to define a strategy appropriate to your college or university?

We anticipate participants from Research Universities, Research Centers, Higher Education Councils, and Ministry of Educations in Cyprus, Turkey and other parts of Europe and the Mediterranean who are leaders, policy makers, actively engaged in international activities or related research at their universities.

Conference Program Registration

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